Optimising Monitoring & Evaluation in Social and Family Welfare
Invited by the Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence (CERE), Dr. Bengianni Halil-Pizzirani (Director of Research & Evaluation, Impact Initiative) and David Poynter (General Manager Business Development & Research-Based Models, Anglicare Victoria) presented to evaluators and policymakers from the Department of Fairness, Families, and Housing (DFFH), the Department of Health (DOH), and the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS).
The presentation explores innovative strategies to enhance monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices in the social services sector. Key topics include the Embedded Researcher Model, which integrates real-time, contextually relevant insights into program delivery, and the shift from traditional success metrics to more nuanced outcomes that drive continuous service improvement. The aim is to provide organisations with practical, research-driven methods for aligning M&E with frontline service needs, enabling data to inform more effective decision-making and sustainable impact.
Watch the full presentation here and download the accompanying slides below.